Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

I was going to say heā€™s in LA.

I then realised we are in a dystopian Covid world where guests can be anywhere in the world and still on the LLS.

And still we will end up with RTE canteen.

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Is he really running 100m in under 13 seconds. at 70 that is fast

When I was 14 I could run 100m in 11.5 seconds.

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I think you take a bit of pride at being above the prevailing cynical mood of the forum

Would you bate Enda Stephens in a dash ??

Iā€™m not as fast from A to B anymore. Of course at my age and with my experience I donā€™t start from A.


I couldnā€™t pretend to be something Iā€™m not on the internet, it must be exhausting

Thatā€™s very fast @TheUlteriorMotive, would you have been elite at national level with a time like that?

Yeah top 8 nationally but youā€™d know not good enough to continue at it. Wasting your time. Same few lads would always beat you. Youā€™d pick up provincial medals and an odd bronze.

Athletics has/had a huge fall off in participation from say 10 years old to 16 years old. All the fun goes out of it then. Training ramps up. Itā€™s a bit different now and you might hang on for a domestic scholarship.

Only the top few lads keep at it. They were different gravy at that age.

If you are fast and fit itā€™s more fun to go and play GAA as a teenager. Athletics is an awful lonely sport. Win on own. Lose on own. Thereā€™s a joy in running fast and winning but itā€™s fleeting. Nobody to share it with.

The relays were as close as you got to team sports. I loved them. I have an AI medal (gold) for a relay from a long time ago now and I can still remember the baton changes.


Brushā€™s appearance on the Sean Boylan documentary was a strange one that I didnā€™t see coming I must admit

There much pollen in cowshit?

They have been close friends for years. Boylan was also close friends with Tony Wilson of Factory Records fame. Iā€™m sure a knowledgeable man like yourself knew that.

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I thought he was dead

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I saw him on that but wasnā€™t sure when it was made. Just found it strange that heā€™s dropped off the grid of late, heā€™s hardly become a recluse. A likeable sort Iā€™ve always thought.

I really thought he was dead

Thats why I lost interest, used to always come 3rd at 800m at County level with the same two lads ahead of me. One of them went on to run a nice bit internationally.

Itā€™s lonely enough as you get older iā€™d say cause itā€™s not like a team sport that all your mates are playing.

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Fuck, Russell Crowe has fallen hard if heā€™s getting mentioned by Tubridy after Ronan Glynn and Irish Women in Harmony

Heā€™s a good pal of Tubridy for whatever reasonšŸ¤”

Kraftwerk on later.

Two lovely cailins


The dark haired girl is smashing

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Ellen now more famous than her auld fella.
Taylor Swift songs kept them alive :grin: