Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

ā€œThe kids have lead us with their stoicismā€

Iā€™m changing channel before I Kung fu kick the tv

Need some zen


Stick on Ted Lasso.

We talking about practice

No question from Tubs on our hospital/icu capacity. As mentioned beforehand re some hospitals had closed their Covid wards.

Sure Tubs is basically a PR man for the establishment.


Francis Brennan on now. Iā€™m off to Netflix. Signing out

Francis Brennan :thinking:

Heā€™s up to 2nd in the list of All-Time LLS appearances at this stage. A great servant.


Iā€™m boycotting this tonight, I can just tell what itā€™s like. One day Iā€™m going to be famous for something other than murder and Iā€™m going to go on the LLS and just absolutely fucking slate the cunt. I fantasize about this.

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There is a scene in Joker where he appears on a US equivalent of a late late show and as the fella says the rest is history. It would be too good for this cunt Tubridy.

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Iā€™m not going to kill him, Iā€™m going to speak truth to power. Namely that he is a cunt.

Tubs you are one hideously ugly bastard.

1 Like Kinda like this?

Lads I just entered the comp there, first time ever, Iā€™ve a great feeling that Iā€™m going to win its

More like if Mary Hannifin started on him and not the guy in the audience.

The missus is on the phone yapping so I have flicked this on. Jesus Christ heā€™s some annoying cunt. And why is Gloria Estefan on it. She hasnā€™t been relevant since the 90s.

The level of cringe is off the charts

Iā€™m watching Kill Bill on TNT

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When I flicked on earlier it was 10 lads dancing Sean NĆ³s to a club song and I thought ā€œhow fucking patronising is this that someone thinks this is innovativeā€. Then it switched to Pat talking to the camera saying ā€œweā€™ve already heard what Cillian De Gascun saidā€ like he was a teacher telling the class about the school principal and I just switched over. Netflix is down in Dublin tonight because everyone is at home, fucking cruel.

Gloria Estefan would have been a great catch for the Late Late, 30 years ago. Dr Beat was a great song.