Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Dara Fitzpatrick’s sister Niamh was the sports psychologist for the 1996 Wexford hurling team. Can’t believe I didn’t realise that before

John and Edward look to be on steroids. Serious bulk up on show

Have they a book coming out or something?

That can be arranged

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Its a new low this.

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Is this actually fucking happening. A new low for RTE


Tubsy mentioned an REM cover song they’re releasing and that we’d be surprised.

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‘We can’t get Sam McDonkey this week lads to spark fear again, who will we get’

Reads Twitter and sees Jedward calling out Jim Corr as a weirdo.

‘I have this weeks Covid section covered lads don’t worry’

This is the level of research your TV licence payments cover folks.


Whichever one is on the left is unable to let anyone else speak

Lads at this day and age is there anything better you could be watching? Maybe a bit of introspection is needed. Not even out of morbid curiosity could I bring myself to watch that shite.


I’m just switching over to Netflix now as I wanted to hear Bennett talk. John and Edward wasn’t planned.

They’re doing a grand karaoke version of Everybody Hurts here. The best thing I can say is that it isn’t awful.

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Kellie Harrington, I like her. She’s worked hard to better herself - fair play.


The Institute of Education’s finest alumni

‘better herself’ is a desperately snobby cunt of a phrase

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Aye, she’s still a bit rough

This is hands down the worst late late show episode I have ever witnessed and that is saying something.

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What was the point of Mary McAleese? Was she trying to get publicity for a book or something? Harping on about her mother falling out with a priest when she got a hysterectomy😅

Full house on Tubs bingo after he asks Fauci if he has any Irish roots

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Was that mary? I thought it was hilary. Not worth turning up the volume in any case.

Paddy Hillary?