Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Tubrididdy will have Dr Luke Oā€™Neill on tomorrow night to show you how a mask works.

Sweet divine Jesus

Bosco will be making the address to the nation.


Quite a coup to find the elusive Professor


Does he have a book coming out?

Stellar line up coming up here.

Luke is going showing us the ā€œproven science ā€œ on Covid .

Tubs is getting Spicer on to rumble Donaldā€™s strategy

Tubrididdy asking Graham Norton about his dog. The dog is dead.

Turn it off lads, save yourselves this endless hamster wheel youā€™re all on.


There was a photo of the dog rolled out so I guess that was choreographed

I donā€™t have a choice in this.

God bless you

This is a shite chat rather than an interview.

Tubrididdy laughing like a schoolgirl at Norton.

Norton has the same fake tan supplier as Trump.

He ā€œcancelledā€ zoom there to agree with Nortons outlook towards it.

Was Norton flogging something?

A book.

Heā€™s giving away Huawei stuff now. You couldnā€™t give Huawei stuff away.

Tubridy trying to sell a lifetimes surveillance by the Chinese Government as a prize