Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

She’s from Kilsheelan, near Clonmel

This will astonish you

That place reeks of wealth

It does me no credit but there is a part of me that would love to see this machine go haywire


Roz sounds like she is a bit deaf


Is it just me or was that underwhelming? He basically had to hold her upright

South Tipp

Ah jaysus :grin:

Pat Shortt is well oiled

Well this has taken a turn…

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Tough listen

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Just switched over jaysus

This is tough viewing. Grim. :worried:

It’s a ridiculous format for a talk show. Switching from comedy to some of the most heartbreaking stories you’ll hear in the space of an ad break every week

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They always have the most depressing story on last as well for some odd reason

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RTE love a bit of grief and misery.

Mad that people actually still watch this show, it’s almost the year 2020

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I rarely watch the LLS, but reading this thread is a must … no one ever mentions what’s been talked about, just a load of bitchy comments and I get to make up my own narrative of what the show was about on a given night.


They always send you to bed with the most grim, miserable, unpleasant stories they can muster. It’s unreal. Put the shit stuff in the middle if ye absolutely must have it. They could sent everyone off to bed happy with Tommy Tiernan on last tonight but no.