Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Be tough on Tubs to pick himself up & start laughing and joking after hearing that at same time. Or even if you were in the crowd it would still be in your head I would think.

Tommy was good value as usual. Pat shortt has had some good acting and comedy moments over the years but he is a very boring interviewee

Know your audience. The oirish love bad news mate, they get turned on by it. Well documentated that a lot of us wouldn’t be here today if Irish parents weren’t so desperate to hear bad news over and over and over again

Pat Shortt is terrible is right the real him, he can only improvise one of his auld shticks which has become very tiresome. Tommy meanwhile is very authentic and real and you can get a sense he is a genuinely good natured person.

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Yeah maybe so. But do they need these terribly sad and/or morbid tales every week? Maybe every third week end on a sad story that has importance, but it’s just overkill now. You could nearly turn the show off every week when he says they’re going on the last ad break.

Yeah it’s tough viewing, couldn’t watch a lot of that at the end myself.

Like when you watch the hurling so

Shower of auld wans. Thankfully my iptv is down so I wasn’t tempted. I watched “in Bruges” on Netflix instead.

You’re well hard. I hope you weren’t too frightened to sleep after watching that

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Very enjoyable film.

James Ryan looks like Sheldon.

So stressed I posted in the WRONG THREAD.

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Richie Sadlier and Shane Lowry :laughing::+1:t3:

Hopefully Joe Schmidt gets a chance to explain this shit show of a World Cup when he’s back.

Joe is not coming back after the World Cup, he is off to new pastures. Probably the reason why Ireland are a shit show at the World cup.

I know but he’ll have to clean the gaff out before he goes. I demand an apology.

Incorrect. Joe lied

It would be very interesting to see a list of people who’ve been on the late late with appearances listed beside them.

Am I wrong in thinking Jeffrey Archer must have been on the late late 5 times at this stage.

Who’d top the charts? Twink?

I remember seeing Jeffrey promoting “Shall we tell the President”. Just googled it there, 1977, fucking hell!