Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

They live rent free in some lads heads. Its amazing

Good god man

They follow up the piece on Keelin Shanleys death with an interview with a pathologist. Do RTE have any idea how miserable this show is.


Tbf Jedward were on last week.

Talking about the death of their mother

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In keeping with tradition Tubbsy winds up events with even more misery. Here comes Pathologist Marie Cassidy. Fuck me, death and it’s causes. She has a leabhair ag teacth amach the same as the rest of them. Is there nobody left in the country to finish this shitshow with a bit of gaiety and panachè.

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Great clip of Joe O Reilly to lighten the mood.

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A slight lack of self awareness in Montrose.

Limerick man wins the Huawei gear.

Marie has a book out.

Would Enid Blyton have been on it much in the 60s? Debating on a panel with brush shiels and Hugh Leonard

After Oliver Reed felt her up

Blyton the cunt has another book out

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Fuck sake he’ll have us all under surveillance

There was enough Huawei equipment in that prize to keep the whole galaxy under surveillance

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Listening to Tubridy at the start of the show…“We’re talking to Sean Spicer later, we want to see what kind of spin the people closest to President Trump will put on his positive diagnosis. But fear not, we will have Prof Luke O’Neill on later to tell us the truth about Covid” :roll_eyes:. Tubs thought Spicer was going to cut Trump up somewhat. what a kick up the hole for Ryan…and then to say he’ll vote for Trump and he’ll win…:clap::us:

It’s just scandalous how RTE never put forward any counter points of view. So much for balance. Just swallow everything NPHET and the government say. Project Fear indeed. Goebbels would be proud of this.


We don’t wish this awful disease on anyone he says… 90,% of people that get it feel next to nothing :laughing:…I turned it off after that.

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What was your excuse for having it on? I’ll excuse the cranky old men as for their generation missing the LLS was worse than missing mass

Tell him nothing

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It was just on and quickly turned off. Is that ok?
