Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

The old I happened to read the Sindo whilst visiting my aunts house trick…

Further evidence that the late late show either attracts or creates cranky old fuckers, you’re better off away from it,

His interview with Prof.Cassidy was just embarrassing.
More or less asking a highly respected professional did she treat all cases the same or were their some she went an extra mile for.
That’s me finished watching that from now on.

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I haven’t watched it at all this season bar the Sam Bennett interview on the player.

You’re struggling to comprehend that the tv might have been on while people were occupied. I’ve no problem watching the late late on occasion. I’m not sure what you’re getting at here.

I have watched a bit of it over the last few weeks and while I will admit I was never a big Tubridy fan I could In the past never say he was dreadful .

He seems to be getting totally insufferable these times and the bit of what I saw with Norton was awful . You could not but notice that Norton was a bit flummoxed but sat through it .

He seems to think he has assumed the role of father of the nation.

Call Tusla

Dry ice. Sure what’s Ireland coming to when a bit of dry ice doesn’t leave us slack jawed in wonder.
And the cavalry is coming over the hill - we just need to follow orders for a bit longer and they’ll reach us.

Thinly veiled Princess tells you it’s going on and that’s that

I was singing the little one to sleep pal.


Ireland’s only actress, Amy Huberman and Kathleen Watkins on tomorrow night.

Fine lookin woman

You could do worse. Unfortunately Gaybos investment decisions means she won’t come with much of a dowry though.


Sign in @KinvarasPassion

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Gaybo checking out last November reminds me of Bertie checking out in May 2008.

Sleeveen getting out before the shite starts.


Wonder will Tubs N Tiles ask her about the TFK exclusive on Gaybo?

The harp would still fetch a few quid