Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

You could hide 50c coins in the wrinkles around her eyes.

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Project Fear straight away.

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He’s having on the one young fella in ireland that was hospitalised with Covid.

Ryan is dressed like Darby O’Gill.

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Is this the red haired fella that overcame paralysis to get likes on the internet?

Yes, with the painted nails.

Next up on the Late Late the 17 year old who apparently beat the odds to survive Covid.

The odds that were 1/100 in his favour?


Did the young lad have an underlying condition? Tubs just said he beat the odds to overcome Covid which seems a strange thing to say about a 17 year old beating it?

Just beat me to it. Was thinking it was a bizarre statement by Pencilneck (Is that Ryan’s TFK nickname?)

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This wan from Cork is going to be the new Anna Geary laughing at Marty’s jokes in dozens of identikit RTE shows

Fair play to him. He’s very brave. I’m sure the last thing he wanted was any attention

Why do ye watch this lads if ye hate it so much?

Kevin Bacon seems like a decent schkin.


The remote is fucked

And grounded in reality

Red Hurley is one of the great showmen

Lads, I was never that worried about Covid but there’s a young lad on here and it looks like nail varnish is one of the side effects


Don’t get me started…

Edit… His knee busted through his jeans. It’s serious.


He’s a cunt though. Tighter than a Cavan duck’s arse.