Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Piers knows how to play the game

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Red is a cunt and also a tight cunt. He was an arseholeon stage to Allad Jones who was singing with him. He fleeced an entire local choir who sang for free with him at his gigs. Brought them to a mate/brotherā€™s pub for his ā€˜thank youā€™ party for them and never even bought them so much as a drink.

With regard to Shefflin Iā€™d call this typical RTE pandering to the Government. Henry was absolutely notch hurler and most likely a genuine bloke, but as sure as thereā€™s shite in a goose he wonā€™t adopt any radical position.
I heard his former colleague Eddie Brennan on today re: the sporting future. He came across as knowledgeable and was well able to get his opinion across without any oulā€™ ā€œI suppose or yā€™knowā€. Heā€™d be a more engaging lad for an evenings portering anyway IMO.


Morgan is a scumbag.

He should be in jail. A right nasty piece of work.


In jail? What did he do?

Hacked Hugh Grants phone

Phone hacking.

Thatā€™s fairly low alright.

I was very surprised whenever Piers Morgan was on the celebrity edition of the Chase and he was as thick as two planks. Like he has way below average general knowledge. Heā€™s genuinely stupid I think, he doesnā€™t just put it on.

The problem with him is he doesnā€™t know whether he wants to be a Jonathan Ross or a Louis Theraux . Thatā€™s it in a nutshell

Morgan was Wenger out long before the mob in N4 back in the day. Tubs is sorted with him as the first question will invariably be his Oirish connections and how you love us over here Piers donā€™t you.

5 minutes on the Oirish connections, 5 minutes laughing at Brexit and 15 minutes trying to get him to disavow Trump

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Pencil neck off again with his weekly monologue.

Looks like Shefflin is coming with the paw out looking for money

I heard that Shefflin isnā€™t at all money grabbing, attends medal awards around the country and looks for nothing.

Dermot is rubbing his nose a bit! I hope he doesnā€™t have a coldā€¦or covid.

Heā€™s certainly chatty which is great for a chat show.


I presume heā€™s covering the charity segment

Shefflin broke hearts in 31 countiesā€‹:rofl::rofl::see_no_evil:

Iā€™m sure the chances of Cavan and Fermanagh securing all Ireland hurling success significantly increased after his retirement.


Shefflin is a good man.

Iā€™m glad he felt good about himselfā€¦ Infairnes at least heā€™s done something anyway

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