Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Thereā€™d be some slap off that ball. :joy:

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Pound shop job

OMG. Arsene Wenger on the Late Late Show!

A fair sly dig by Shefflin to highlight the man he met as being from Tipperary.
He could have fucking said Albania. Oh! the oulā€™ bitterness is hard shook.


Arsene knows his audience the aul codger

He must be flogging a book is he?

Wenger is a fascinating character.

Joke of an interview. They didnā€™t even research questions. Sure they just texted the Gooch and Shefflin for some.


They didnā€™t even text Shefflin FFS sake

Thereā€™s a great story of when Wenger turned 60, he was doing a weekly press conference ahead of a midweek game and some journalist asked him if he was doing anything to celebrate like go for a meal or anything.

Wenger emphatically replied, No, he wanted to watch a Bundesliga match on TV.

Unlike Ferguson, who at least had his horses to think about, Wenger was totally obsessed with Arsenal.

@carryharry was next on the list for a question. Didnā€™t realize that Gooch is an Arsenal fan.

The same horses that destroyed his club

Wenger should have got sacked 20 years ago for putting Seaman in the youth team.


Tubridy pronounces sliotar like itā€™s Arabic or some other language that is new to him.

Shefflin came across as a very decent fella.

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Heard that about Joe Canning too.

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Bruce Springsteen
Matthew McConaghy
Archbishop Holohan
Sean Cox

Tomorrow night.

Hereā€™s Archbishop Tony. Tubs with some hard hitting questions coming up Iā€™d imagine.

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Tubridy already cleaning ā€œTonyā€™sā€ hoop.

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Not this cunt again. Has he a book coming out or summit?

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