Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Very needy

Now you might make more time for tv.

Bruce is writing off next year. Hoping for 2022.

Only pencil fucking neck could interview Springsteen and turn it into a fucking damp dishcloth of an interview. Graham Norton would be laughing and joking and having the crack. Pencil neck wants us to wallow in fucking misery. Heā€™s an awful interviewer

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Did Ryan ask Tony about how the cervical check service performing covid?

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No, he sucked his dick for the entire segment.


The Heathers are good.

I used love that song a few years ago ā€˜Remember Whenā€™.

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Iā€™m not into music but Springsteen seems to be an insufferable bore

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You absolute freak.

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It was boring as fuck. It couldnā€™t end quick enough

The standard of guest has gone through the roof since Covid hit

@Mac implied that tubs was the reason for its blandness.

Either way, it was as dull a 15 minutes of tv Iā€™ve watched in a while

Awful. Bruce couldnā€™t give a shit

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He probably was sick of the paddywhackery early doors.
Irish ancestors, Catholic upbringing, playing to Dublin crowds blah blah bullshit

Iā€™m referring to your ā€˜im not into musicā€™ comment. You have no soul if youā€™re not into music of some sort.

Bruce is like a carvery the meal is grand but the portions are huge and roasters love it


Another band playing covers on TLLS tonight I see

The pogues would be it

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Sean Cox can fuck off.

If you want to be famous and respected in this country, get sick, get depressed, get anxious, or get stabbed.

Bruce and Graham Norton was TV gold last year. If Springsteen is bland then Norton knew how to work around it. Tubridy put us all to sleep.

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