Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

You dont have to throw that one back Mr Thompson


Blatantly obvious point I’ll admit but do you reckon Anto lives within 5km of the RTE studios.

It’s ok for essential live sex on air

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More petty than obvious really

Dr Tony doesn’t want house gatherings with alcohol over the Christmas, the virus loves this apparo. Solution, close the pubs

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Tony must have nailed it if that’s all they’re moaning about

CMO appearing on the Late Late is absolutely pointless. A series of softball questions tossed under arm towards him.

Was he asked about the contact tracing?
The declining cases?
What happens if we have to lockdown again?

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Thank god I missed this. How bad was it?

Ye are gluttons for punishment lads. Anyone good coming up?

It was very bad. Cringey.

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Bring back Tonight with Vincent Brown. Tony will get his hole reemed not locked clean. #vb

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I only saw the end but he wants to keep the schools open anyway

Holohan was awful there.

Basically said we stay locking down forever. Might be allowed out into the sea of nothingness we enjoyed from July to October this year every now and again for a few weeks at a time but thats the height of it.

A staged setup with the softest of questioning to give Breda and Nuala etc the resolve they need to get through this darkest hour

Brutal, Dr Tony even looked fairly embarrassed by it himself


I believe he’s a member out in Faughs so probably lives out Terenure/Temoleogue direction.

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Vins dead

My little girl appeared in an ad that appeared during the last ad break :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
The fucking LATE LATE :muscle:

I’m not watching obviously, just got the text