Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Is Deirdre O Kane going on the rte Friday night chat show to talk about the rte Saturday night chat show she will be presenting?

Youā€™d imagine itā€™ll come up

Just needs Nathan Carter for Late Late bingo.

Enough there to comment a bit about but nothing there to be angry about .

Wow that is one staggering line up of nauseating cunts :clap:

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I fear that CNN election expert John King will be subject to a ā€œTubs interviewā€ over coming weeks

John deserves better


Heā€™s been engaging in banter with ā€˜Irish Twitterā€™. He has no idea what heā€™s letting himself in for


only ten minutes or so lads. Iā€™m on the edge of my seat hereā€¦


Buff is on Team Lauren. A natural rival to Geary


Buff could switch off his TV? That would work.

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Personally Iā€™d be opting for a repeat of the result of the last major Clare-Cork clash in the 2013 AI Final replay.

Iā€™d love to have her hunting me

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Foxy boxing would settle it

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Lidl and Aldi going in heavy on the Xmas ads

Kevin Dundon absolutely bluffing his way through a load of stuff here

I suspect Kevin may be less than well.

100%. Mrs Pox had dealings with him a few years back and described him as unhinged.

We can look forward to Samantha Power, Luke Oā€™Neill and the Coronas

Is there an algorithm bot generating the guests each week?

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