Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

I once had a major crush on Cat Deely.

She’s a fucking dose.

Oh wait. Cat has a book out.

Right I’m out.

About fucking time

Her smile was infectious in her MTV days

About 25 years ago

That says it all really

Another cunt now reminding us how lucky he is

Don’t do it to yourselves lads

Lets hope Tubbs doesn’t fuck this up

Gas cunts

A great woman.

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A proper fucking hero. There was never anything in this for her and she did it anyway. No one ever spoke up for these poor children until she did.

One of the nicest going, and a great family too. She’s done selfless work and this government has a lot to answer for with this bullshit they are trying to pull


Niall Horan, Deirdre O Kane, Anna Geary and Diarmuid Gavin on tomorrow night.

The RTE canteen pretty much empty at this stage

Anna :heart_eyes:

Big scoop by RTE to get those 4 media shy recluses to agree to an interview


one horan, 3 whoreing