Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

The vaccines are like the 46A

Entitled white male Tubbers bemoaning the fact that an ā€œall female actā€ havenā€™t broken the Irish top 10 in 2 years.

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It was a gag on the Telegraph during the week.

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BTW, Iā€™m honestly only watching this for a wee while to see if thereā€™ll be an apology.

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OK Iā€™m probably not going to watch the Toyshow this year in protest so Iā€™ll just switch off now.

There wonā€™t be. Eileen Dunne put her hands up in the News. Thatā€™s the end of it

I predict that malachy will sing through his nose via the back of his throat, heā€™ll have a pained expression on his face throughout and heā€™ll sing something so cliche ridden and sloppy even @farmerinthecity will be embarrassed for him.

I think ye all need to move on now. And was your hands.

For the love of jaysus

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What the absolute fuck

Whatā€™s this, a bad Eminem tribute.

Tubs will leave that record lying at his hole

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Who knew you could colourize old photographs?

No campaign to make Malachy Christmas number one? Only a day after international menā€™s day :disappointed_relieved:

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@TheUlteriorMotive great grandfather on now.

Mary with her easy humour here

Sheā€™s moving like a string puppet does. All very unnatural

The past is like another country

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Ah here. Meitheal. Me bollix

Mary Robinson is a great woman, she put the burners on this country :clap: :clap: