Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

The show is great for children

Thatā€™s not the issue. Itā€™s the hypocrisy of Tubridy preaching about Covid every day but then running a show where rules he espouses are broken because itā€™s economically advantageous.

Youā€™re broken

I call out cuntology.

Youā€™re fragmenting

Those tents arenā€™t 2 metres apart

A WhatsApp group Iā€™m in has just sent round a video of when some of the lads (coked up) met tubs, apparently coked up, on a 12 pubs of christmas ā€¦
Iā€™d nearly feel sorry for the fella.

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The awkwardness of tubs trying to get the costume off was gold. I enjoyed that nlw

I agree with you there too .

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Youā€™ve gone full Stockholm Syndrome

Iā€™m zen. Life is what you make it.

Taking coke sounds horrendous.

Sitting at home watching the toy show with your kids and all you can think about is bullying some chap on the internet, I almost feel sorry for you


Itā€™s unseemly to see you lash out just because you got it wrong. Use it as a life lesson and move on. And maybe lay off the grog.


post 'er up

@TheUlteriorMotive, just chillax a bit. Itā€™s the toy show. Xmas is coming. Thereā€™s light at the end of the tunnel after what has been a shitty year. Just enjoy it for what it is.


Impressive vaccine shoehorning here.

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Fair play to that girl. Great to see she got to be on the toy show


No. Fuck off.