Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

What a lovely story. My word.

“Was it sore??”



I don’t think she minded mate. Leave it off.

Is it really just a week since Malaki with a K made his breakthrough?

Ah lads, that’s lovely :heart:


I’m not crying your crying

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Fuck sake… I’m gone already… Blubbering my eyes out.

Fucking hell this is perfect. The poor mom. Magic.

That actually hit the feels hard.

I suppose its similar to a gaa match being played. Entertainment for people. I’d imagine this will interest far more people than offaly v wicklow in the leinster sfc.

Saoirse is a lot stronger than her mother. A lot of “men” on here could learn from her stoicism

Kids are much stronger than anyone ever gives them credit for. Incredible stuff.


I’ll let it lie there. The difference is that the GAA/teams don’t lecture people each morning about obeying rules that he is happy to flout tonight.

Tubridy is mighty at this stuff. Tough cailin.


That was wonderful from Tubridy. Top notch presenting.

Would tubridy have been very vocal about the specific covid regulations that were broken tonight or even similar ones?

I thought I’d stay strong this year… Not a hope.

It only makes you more human my friend.

Hon Cavan :muscle:

Oh Ryan

This fellas in the RA

Fucking Galligan or McKiernan or some cunt will make an appearance now.