Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

He’ll likely surpass Malaki anyway

The kid didn’t put himself on there. The parents is where the Vitriol is directed.

An opinion at that age could kill a child. It would be like giving a north sider a car, no good could come of it

We’re slagging the little boy now? :expressionless:


He’ll end up massive alright.



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

As a parent of a 23 and almost 18 year old I’ve finally realised I am a failure as a parent after watching this my only hope is if or when they have their own children they will have better success than myself and the missus did. I never allowed them to follow their dreams or something.

I dunno. Every child in the country is watching this. They want to see toys.

That show was good for the soul. Heartwarming.


A great show as usual. Well done to all the kids and the Irish nation for raising all that money .


And you moved them to Mulingar

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I enjoyed that, I must be going soft

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It’s mainly a show for adults to enjoy nostalgia.

Parents hype up kids to watch it to recapture their own childhood.

They don’t do toys anymore. You cannot show toys and “half the country in emergency accommodation “

It’s one of the better late late shows as it’s entertaining. That and the Valentines show. Although would people watch it without social media and a quipping opportunity.

They’ve got it down the last few years… serious pull on the heartstrings.

Ah stop

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Was just wondering if kids would actually like to watch this or not. I’ll find out at first hand tomorrow. I’d say our lad will be asking for something else to watch after 20 mins of it


My daughter was bored after an hour

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They like it when they get a bit older in my experience - 9 say upwards. They like looking at other kids on TV and what they have going on/commenting on them.
My younger lad came down with 2 euro in change to donate after the girl who had cancer segment

It’s a show for adults though to relive a big part of their childhood