Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Itā€™s not really about the toys any more. Itā€™s about the sob stories (as heart warming as they are). And children want toys not heart warming stories. Basically itā€™s a show for adults not kids these days.


What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

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Go easy lads that young fella was only 10 years of age, definite ADD or ADHD.

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I believe that it was a U2 joke

What age is she? My 5yo was more interested in devouring treats

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Mine enjoyed it. Would they have preferred to watch the loud House on repeat for 3 hours? Probablyā€¦ They enjoyed it all the same tho

I couldnā€™t get past ā€œHereā€™s and guitarā€. Was he referencing Bono saying ā€œthree chords and the truthā€ once upon a time.

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I donā€™t know how anyone wastes anytime listening to or watching Ryan Tubridy.

A sickening cunt.

Ryan did Ireland proud there tonight.

Ahem :popcorn:


Jaysus! The late late toying with @The_Most_Infamous show!


Thatā€™s some effort @mac :joy:


By god. Ye have little to be worrying about.

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Someone pick @The_Most_Infamous up off the floor

I donā€™t see how Iā€™m ever going to recover.




@Mac missus better not be hoping for any conversation tonight


If thereā€™s money to be raised for it Iā€™d gladly donate. A monster of a young lad

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They are on their annual omerta, this is what happens, they need to release it somewhere