Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel


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Scandalous behaviour. Did Fintan watch it with his mam and her boyfriend?

It was a good toy show, a great show in the circumstances.
It’s not for toddlers but I can’t believe people saying that it’s not a show that kids enjoy year on year, they spend weeks looking forward to it, talk of little else in the day itself, get to stay up late eating shit on the couch and hearing inspirational stories with a host getting into the spirit,
Long may it last


He said, turn his account to private…

Kids want to see toys. There is very few toys on it anymore so hence it’s often a bit of an anti climax for the kids watching it. God Bless all those children who featured last night but if the show is meant to be primarily aimed at children I think it got the balance wrong again.

Having said that anything that brings families together like the LLTS does is a positive thing.


Our 6 year old is currently laughing his hole off at Tubs in the dinosaur outfit

Watched every second of the the LLS last night.

Show needs a re brand because it ain’t a fucking toy show anymore.

According to a one I heard on the radio it takes a year to prepare. Hard to see that.

What the fuck as the shake and vac bit about? Weird AF.

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It was a metaphors for tubs enthusiasm and where he gets it

I saw that mentioned but it was bizarre all the same.

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The first 20 minutes i found very strange. It picked up after. I can be very cynical about the whole thing but ill leave it off. Wasn’t great imho but I enjoyed it. Was great to see

Lads are very confused here


I don’t understand with a show takes a back seat to expenditure on presents and toys and doesn’t put pressure on kids or parents with over the top presents and instead focuses on more important things like family and where there are lots of seriously ill children on it or those who have had serious struggles where it really makes you appreciate what you have yourself and how things could be so much worse, that the first thought of people is to moan about "telpis and non white’ kids and not enough presents.


I like the toys though.

If you’re good I’m sure you’ll get what you asked for

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Have you tried Ryan’s World on youtube?

Id fuck the telly out the window if that little screaming shite popped up on the late late show.

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He’s part of the reason I removed youtube from all devices.

Him and horrid henry

Horrid Henry is heaven compared to that little Ryan creep.

The toy show is great. Fuck up you gee bags.