Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Ah lads, it took 2 mins. Click on a posters name and if their profile isnā€™t hidden it links to all their posts in the topic. @The_Most_Infamous just happened to have a lot of interested Late Late Show posts.

What I take from that is @The_Most_Infamous likes too many people

A very unfortunate typo in that

Heā€™s one of the Limerick lads who forgets who he likes and dislikes. Heā€™ll be banned from the PM group for a fortnight over it. The old guard of @balbec and @ciarancareyshurlingarmy are seething over this happening on the weekend of semi final. Theyā€™re trying to find a way to blame @BruidheanChaorthainn for it.

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The private limerick group is mostly lads laughing at how upset everyone is that weā€™ve a private limerick group


The Limericks are hoors for turning in each other. Hoors for it.

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Iā€™m still laughing at you for going to that effort above mate, you lunatic :joy:

Itā€™ll only get worse this weekend. The Limerick lads on here and their smugness are a mirror image of the complacency of the Limerick Hurlers Tm. The Galway boiys have waiting in the long grass like hyenas waiting on an elderly bachelor to sign off on a will.


They cannot speak on the hurling threads. They are breaking out like a rash everywhere else

It really wouldnā€™t have taken long

Loose lips lose championships.


I suppose when you compare it to Tipps involvement in this hurling championshipā€¦Iā€™d have loved if Limerick got another game against ye.

Would have been great, as we would have bate ye up a stick again. Galways a 50/50 game on Sunday.

No wonder the honorable Limerick posters @SHANNONSIDER, @hbv and @TheDunph etc jumped ship

Donā€™t worry about Tipp. Get out there and bate Galway If yeā€™re able

@The_Most_Infamous alter ego exposed

Been a let down for my 2 kids last couple of years. Fuck all toys, just a telpis kid followed by minority kid, book review and charity plug and repeat. While the kids feign interest to appease me I suspect, the main reason they fake interest is cos staying up late for the sake of it still holds appeal.

As an adult though i still try to sell them on the show. though advertisers try convince otherwise earlier each year, the Toy Show sounds the starting pistol for the best time of the year: the build up of the magic and excitement we now create for our kids

Fuck you 2020, youā€™ve made shit of the year.
Since march youā€™ve hounded us with your climate of fear
But today starts the Xmas, beyond your reach or steer
fill your boots and look forward, as the Xmas starts here.


the amount of blokes who degrade themselves by wearing matching pjā€™s with the family to watch this shite, the wife posting the pictures up on social media :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


Donā€™t over think it mate.


Course it is petal

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