Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

This is very exploitative even for RTE


It’s a fucking disgrace.

Tubs is some cunt


What’s this now? Not watching

Shocking having her on but she feels like the country needs to hear the message. Stay in , keep your distance and adhere to the advice given by nphet…

Turn it off boys, you’se aren’t able for it.

The fucking patronising, condescending tone of him as he lauds a man he never met and didn’t know. All for viewing figures.

Tubridy is an UUCOAM.


‘Have you ever ate a bag of tayto James? Who do you think are better craic us or the English?’

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What’s the story with tonight’s show that is so bad.
I don’t want to tune in in case I get logged as another viewer statistic.

Is that by any chance Nigel Pim’s widow he has on? Not watching it.

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This cunt - Former head of an organisation that staged multiple coups and invasions moralising .

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They wouldn’t bring on a parent of a child With special needs to discuss how their child has suffered due to lock down that’s for sure.


She’s been on the local radio a bit in Waterford over the last week getting the message out to take this thing serious. A well known Waterford Quaker family.

Wasn’t great piece now for Friday night light entertainment

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It’s an outrage they are allowed this. It’s taking advantage of somebody who’s just suffered a tragedy. On Monday they’ll be complaining why teachers aren’t back at school.

Wouldn’t be my cup of tea on a Friday night or any night.

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The worst type of cunt. He should have been COTY


A lovely segment there, not even Tubs could ruin it

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That stupid looking bushy eyebrowed fuck’n head on that cunt Tubbs is just begging to be walloped like this :pray: