Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Lower than a snakes belly.

Piece in the Examiner during the week as well. Very sad story.

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The fucking head on that cunt

Credit to the woman. Trying to use her situation to do some good.

And lads simply want to pile on.

God rest him.

A very well respected family here in Waterford, a brave woman and a terrible loss

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Iā€™m no fan of Tubridy but I donā€™t think anyone is ā€œdraggedā€ onto the Late Late.

The woman was presumably asked on to the show and she agreed.


Spot on.

The lady was parking her grief to try and make people aware of how careful they need to be in these times.

It was harrowing stuff at times but her affection for those who cared for her husband was wonderful.

Iā€™m a fan of Tubtidy, not as a broadcaster because Iā€™ve barely seen him on tv and I snatch a few minutes here or there on the radio which isnā€™t too bad,

But heā€™s clearly a decent man as I can attest to from a story I heard from the horses mouth about an incredible prolonged and unpublicised act of kindness and decency he has shown to a family in very difficult circumstances, he may be a lot of things but a cunt isnā€™t one of them. Quite the opposite I suspect


Pity he didnā€™t walk out on his own family. I have heard he is exactly the opposite you described and is indeed 2 ends of a cunt.


The Twitter police have spoken and are happy to watch stories of covid every Friday nightā€¦ A fella I know in the peak of his beings was fishing for likes last night on Twitter, mid 20s and that was the undoubted highlighted of his week. The Twitter police rule all in this country but I wonder will they feel the same way in a months time.

I have protested in silence by not watching it the last few weeks to reduce ratings.


Delete your Twitter if it upsets you so much mate.

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Really? I was told his ex is the two ends of a cunt and Tubs did everything he could to make it work.

The woman went on the show because she wanted to save otherā€™s from the pain she is suffering. Personally I thought it was a bit too soon but itā€™s an important message. We all need to heed the advice of the experts and save lives.


It was fairly common knowledge around that time that he was having an affair. Iā€™m not sure how that is making it work unless he invited the wife along for a threesome.

Correct it is well known and then he allows this be talked about on his show.

He even said he didnā€™t love his mrs while married to her on his radio show to compound her humiliation.

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Do you know her?

Lots of good stuff on Twitter. The Twitter police are best avoided though.

Iā€™m not sure social media is for you.

Hard to believe a broken marriage is considered an acceptable stick to beat someone with in the 21st century.

Iā€™ll take real life testimony and evidence of his incredible decency over a bit of internet gossip in any case

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