Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Yeah he takes or has taken a bit of coke on nights out but sure so have plenty of irish people. Iā€™d say you provably even know a few yourself.

Why is this even an issue? Who gives a fuck? It sounds like something our aul lads would say

People who do drugs have no humanity. They are soulless zombies roaming for the next fix. They should all be sacked without sympathy. Bisexual men who get involved in relationships with women or have children are hypocrites living a lie. They should be publicly humiliated and have the intimate details of their sex lives publicly exposed by sensationalist headlines in the tabloid press.

On a unrelated note, tell us more about this party in Achill :eyes:

At one stage a lot of drugs and bisexuality talk broke out but I can assure you I smacked it down.


The lads at the Achill party


Are yis all not on the coke lads?

I donā€™t think taking coke at a few parties necessarily means heā€™s a bad guy tbh, your initial point isnā€™t refuted by that imo.

Ryan Tubridy is an ass muncher.

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Lads I couldnā€™t give a fuck what he does in bed or what he puts into his body. Hes a cunt. A cunt who preaches to the nation as he knows better frightening the life out of the elderly.


Doing coke at home on your own watching boxsets just isnā€™t the same


Tis a nawful country

Cop the fuck on.

It could be argued the attitude of some OIUTF merchants is just as dangerous to the elderly.

People are dying on a daily basis at the moment and now more than ever people need to be careful.

The was the whole point of the interview. The woman stated that her husband had taken precautions but he still got infected and sadly passed away from it.

There was no scaremongering, the lady told of her experience, her love for her soul mate & her appreciation towards the staff who tried to save his life.

Give over.

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Itā€™s disappointing to see lads desperate to twist every single thing to their own agenda. Iā€™m just glad no one really takes this place seriously. I very much doubt anyone on here acts the same in real life.

I fear they do.


What happened to that women and her husband is tragic. Iā€™m not pointing to that one interview more so tubs general attitude since march

Tubs does not direct, edit or research the show. He follows orders & reads his script.

Again, give over.

He does far more than read his script in fairness heā€™d have a very big input in what it would be. Whatā€™s more pertinent is the way heā€™s going on might be annoying to a lot of us here but the all in it together stay home stay safe were doing great message is exactly what most of his target audience want to hear. Thatā€™s what fellas arenā€™t accepting.

Sheā€™s back on tonight