Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

You do that. Good man yourself.


Some fair oul women on here fucking hell


Anyone under 50 watching the Late Late Show needs their head examined


Yerrah it gives them something to be at shur. Not sure I’d be on for it meself but good luck to them. Whatever gets them through this pandemic.


Nepotism is the stick to beat him.with

Often the younger fellas strangely enough

A broken marriage :neutral_face:

Is it possible you’re all right? You know, he’s a bit of a cunt sometimes and sound sometimes? Like a lot of people really…


I’ve heard Tubridy is a bit of craic on a night out and would have a few stories to tell.

I’d say he’s good craic in and out of the jacks all night.


Get off the internet with that crazy talk.

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Are you insinuating that Tubs has faecal incontinence?

And just when there was a risk of anybody taking you seriously you trot out the old Tubtidy is a cokehead one :smiley:

Which experts? There’s a handful of appointed characters who suddenly leapt to demand lockdowns, more lockdowns and more severe lockdowns. This has never been done before, nor has it been recommended before. Where have you heard any of these people stating their plans, their consideration of alternatives or outlining the repercussions?

So you agree we are facing something unprecedented?

Lockdowns? Yes.

Lads on here who are uucom are probably pure sound in real life.

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Everyone in Dublin has heard stories about Tubridy at house parties coked off his tits and he’s supposed to swing both ways too. Everyone knows someone who knows someone who has seen this first hand. But I’m sure it’s all nonsense and now beloved national-treasure broadcaster working at RTE would ever do drugs. Sure they’d be sacked.

These are recent stories?
I’d have done lots of silly things as a younger man but it would seems bit ridiculous if people assumed I was till carrying on like that nowadays, I’m sure most of us would

No these stories go back years