Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Picturehouse :open_mouth:

What a song :clap:


Great tune…the boys are gone quare ould


This has actually been the positive 40 mins on the Late Late since the toy show. About fucking time

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That young lad that got the guitar off Dermot Kennedy is fairly well reared… A credit to his family


A baldie fronting the band is never a good look


There were shades of Phil Mitchell about him but a great tune. Never knew they were Irish.

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Lead singer is a doppelganger for a poster on here.

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This is actually a decent line up if Tubs can hold it together.

Una looking class.

Mother of God, she’s something else

The shtate of this wan

Tipp Tipp Tipp

Una is on a dating app!

Some great miming by Una here

She was on a date in London last summer. Hardly with @Tassotti?

Una has a lovely fine set of, eh, earrings

It sounds very similar to that time @Tassotti went for a date in the park alright…

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She looks like an extra out of Eastenders

Who are these people?

Fine doll here