Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Bernard is a good example of someone who speaks with a cultured Dublin twang


Tubs has a bad dose of the sniffles tonight

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BOD and Keano paying a tribute to Berno

Berno has united the forum

For sure…

Hes not the only one

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They must have caught it off each other

Bernard suffers from Late Late season Hay Fever.

Bernard is off his tits. Disgusting carry on.

Lovely to see the support Bernard has from his family

Making a lot of money with Anthony Cunningham and Michael Fennelly in the corporate world as well. Seems to be a decent fella - good luck to him.

His auld lad is a shrewd operator by all accounts, they are well set up

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The roasters cannot handle a young man who is articulate and confident in himself and proud of his achievements.

Dublin GAA has taken over the show tonight - I see Paddy Smyth is on as well

Eamon Dillon must have been out of their price range

Billy keane will have another article sorted for this weekend

Kerry man isnt he?

Im a big fan of Berno. Seems like a real nice fella. Brilliant brilliant footballer. His performance in the 2010 semi against us was one of best individual performances in defeat iv ever seen in flesh. A genius


his mother is a real classy lady

They are all very polished to be fair.

Dundrum house was a serious purchase