Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Heā€™s an awful weirdo

saw two minutes of Heaslipā€¦ What a cunt.


He collects espresso coffee cups - WTF?

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McSavage was on the money with his Duffy impersonation. Nipple clamps and all


Was just thinking that, i never noticed as much until tonight, when you can see the delight at others misfortune in his eyes

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Kiefer Sutherland comes across as a right sound skin, that Shane McGowan story was quality.

He has been a superb guest. Very interesting chap and as you say seems an alright sort.

Good luck @anon61878697


Yep second book now about childrens death. First was the children that died in the 1916 rising and now one about the children that died in the troubles.

Joe loves death and misery, combine the 2 and Joe goes cross eyed with the thrill.


Somethingā€™s going on here

No one pulls the wool over your eyes too easily Iā€™d day

Iā€™d ā€˜dayā€™ youā€™re right :grin:

Who or what is a Paddy Smyth?

An auld Abba tribute - never gets old :pensive:

A fucking wake attempt at a tribute act as well. Like something youā€™d see at a local festival for the talent contest


Tubridy is useless at interviewing sports people

The spandex wasnā€™t doing a few of them any favours

Hereā€™s berno now. Heā€™s too clean cut altogether for me

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