Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Michael Duignan was hauled over the coals for less.


Do you get money for being popular on TikTok? I know of a lad with over 300k followers on it

I presume they do yeah… Otherwise they’re all mentally unwell.

Chinese government are flush. So I’d say so.

I spent about half an hour looking for one single decent tiktok for you there and eventually came up with this. A complete waste of time.

OK I finally found a good one. I’m now done with tiktok for the next 12 months

The big Daniel Craig interview over Zoom ffs.

Friday (01/10/2021) will be devoted to celebrating the 70th birthday of Bob Geldof.
A veritable who’s who of fawning cunts climbing over each other to touch the hem of his cloak.
There’s even a possibility that An Uachtaráin himself may have composed a celebratory ode on Bob’s behalf.
Apologies for being the bearer of unhappy tidings but forewarned etc…


It’ll be a conglomeration of cunts so tonight. Sir Bob drives Paddy demented I’ve a grudging respect for him because of that.

I’m predicting a raft of COTY nominees arising from this cunt-fest. Endless potential.

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Lads will put themselves through torture watching it to get a few handy likes on TFK


The cunt could pass everyone out here in the COTY race.

How the fuck do they think that anyone want to celebrate a gormless cunt that handed back his freedom of Dublin but held onto his British honours is beyond me.

Hypocritical cunt.

The INTERNET will break tomorrow night

Thank fuck I’m out of the country.


If this is RTÉ wumming you have to say it’s fantastic


Bob needed a strong response to Lord Boynesides efforts last week and by God he has responded.

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They’re great trolls to be fair.

The shrewd lads won’t watch at all but can throw in a few posts calling Geldof a cunt and hoover up a ‘nice reply’.

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