Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

I never took much notice of him until handing back the freedom of Dublin a few years ago while keeping his knighthood


I would actually say his only redeeming quality is the way he calls out the bullshit in his home country. It was and is a banana republic in many ways. Heā€™s a wanker and all that but in Ireland thatā€™s used to dismiss whatever valid points he may have


I passed him in town one day. He was a surprisingly tall man.

A pop fans dream (Sunday lunch with the Geldofs)


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If there was Irish Trumpist party this is the exact sort of mind-numbing twaddle theyā€™d come out with.

ā€œWest Britā€ is a term that should be inhumanely put to sleep.

Banana Republic
Septic Isle
Screaming in the Suffering sea
It sounds like crying
Everywhere I go
Everywhere I see
The black and blue uniforms
Police and priests
And I wonder do you wonder
While youā€™re sleeping with your whore
That sharing beds with history
Is like a licking running sores
Forty shades of green, yeah
Sixty shades of red
Heroes going cheap these days
Price, a bullet in the head
Banana Republic
Septic Isle
Suffer in the Screaming sea
It sounds like dying
Everywhere I go
Everywhere I see
The black and blue uniforms
Police and priests
Take your hand and lead you
Up a garden path
Let me stand aside here
And watch you pass
Striking up a soldierā€™s song
I know that tune
It begs too many questions
And answers to
Banana Republic
Septic Isle
Suffer in the Screaming sea
It sounds like dying
Everywhere I go
Everywhere I see
The black and blue uniforms
Police and priests
The purple and the pinstripe
Mutely shake their heads
A silence shrieking volumes
A violence worse than the condemn
Stab you in the back, yeah
Laughing in your face
Glad to see the place again
Itā€™s a pity nothingā€™s changed
Banana Republic
Septic Isle
Suffer in the Screaming sea
It sounds like dying
Everywhere I go
Everywhere I see
The black and blue uniforms
Police and priests


Nonsense. If you were to be born at any point in time no matter your social status we are one of the best places in the world to ever inhabit.

Unless you fell pregnant out of wedlock, or were gay or anything other than a white heterosexual Catholic.


Micro yes. Macro and the way itā€™s run itā€™s a farce which is what Geldof is on about

Safe to say Geldof did more to call out the bullshit in this country in the 70s and 80s than any other

He did the country one genuine good turn and it was a major one.

The Catholic Church tried to stop the Boomtown Ratw playing an outdoors gig. The Church thought they could just cross it off like it was still the Dublin Theater Festival in the 1950s. Geldof just said fuck them and went ahead with it and thousands of people turned up. It was exactly what Ireland had been waiting for for decades.

Other posters will be able to give you better details.

Heā€™s a complete cunt though, sometimes important things are done by hateful cunts or hateful funts are even needed.

The daughter dies from a drugs overdose and a few months later heā€™s on TV boasting about how he was a drug dealer at the Isle of Wright Festival. A complete lack of self-awareness, itā€™s completely predictable that his family ended up the way it didā€¦ Ultimately heā€™s paid a vicious price for his cuntestry not that he even realises it.

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This is surely the most ridiculous thing heā€™s done. He gave back the Irish honour because someone else who had done distasteful things also received it but held onto the one granted by the British Empire :smiley:. Was the hypocrisy of it ever pointed out directly to him?

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The accent was ahead of its time

Ruth Negga under the influence of one or more substances here.

Car crash stuff



What did they do? Cut to an ad break?

the head was swaying and the eyes going everywhere, I hope she was on something for her sake otherwise sheā€™s a very weird woman

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She was fucking bananas

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