Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Itā€™s symbolic of the neediness of this generation of parents.

Trying to live their lives again via their kids.

Same as in kids sports.

Tubridy pumping it as if heā€™s Vera fucking Lynn would sicken your hole.


I caught him on rte 1 while out in the car the other day. Heā€™s an amazing manā€¦ Still in contact with his wife to some degree and he just wants to bug up the charity, early backers and talk about his kids rather than bring up anything traumatic. RTE / Late Late fucked up there.


Says the fucker on edge because he may not be able to go for pints over the pandemic. The entitlement in this country is something elseā€¦ I donā€™t mind lads lashing out here when I deliver a few home truths, I get a kick from itā€¦ But the sense of entitlement and me, me, me weā€™ve had to listen to for the last 2 years would literally sicken your shitā€¦ It all then boils down to drink them :roll_eyes:

Fuck me. I need a beer

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Heā€™s tough,I wouldnā€™t be able for what happened him.They constantly have loads of shitbags who they find in the RTE canteen on to plug theyā€™re shitty books but refuse this man an opportunity to raise awareness about his charity.Fuckin wankers.


The 6 o clock news had a preview of the toy show

The only thing in Eire really that approaches the long drawn out build up and hype about the Toy Show is the horsey set build up to Cheltenham.

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T-2 hours lads. The kids are up to high doh

Youā€™re like a pound shop Roryā€™s Stories

I hope all the tfk daddies have a lovely time watching this tonight.


I hope they stay off tfk and Twitter and engage with their children.

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That would be a lovely gesture if they did that.


Thanks mate. Iā€™ll be logging off now soon for the night to give the Toy Show my undivided attention.

Will you be tuning in?

I wonā€™t. Thereā€™s a good cowboy picture on TG4.



Thankfully mine will be in bed in that hour.

I think Iā€™ll watch some Seinfeld. On Series three at the moment.

Watched a bit of the first season but couldnā€™t get into it.

Itā€™s a growerā€¦ Seasons 3-4-5 are brilliant.

Kramer is a brilliant character

They milked it a bit for a finish but yeahā€¦ They all were. George in seasons 3-5 is top top notch. What season is he with Susan? ā€¦ I loved Puddy too and how he drive Elaine bat shit.

I got as far as the one in series three where George was with the pianist who split up with him over Elaine laughing at her recital.

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