Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Settle now lads.

Very posh accents for ballybough flats


Ryan down the Oliver bond with a package - that’s never happened before


Hes fully juiced already


There’s something on Ryan’s nose

When did the Billy Barry Kids lose the LLTS contract?

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Currently binging it, bloody outstanding. Every comedian who could speak at the time seemed to turn up in it

Billy Barry wouldn’t take the jab pal

Don’t worry. The little fuckers will be on any minute

Terms of the court case means it can’t be discussed

Is he off his chops again?


Sitting with 4 under eight, one has hit the hay, the other three are looking at Tubridy in cynical disbelief

No laughs yet

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thad-bms (1)

Something not quite right

Ryan is knocking this out the park.

Tubs is going to give Batgirl a clout

Youd want to have a word with your IPTV man. That was 10 minutes ago