Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

The older one didnā€™t come across great there with the other lad singing.

Unfair to have him on camera at same time as kids are only kids.

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Thought the same. The director was fucking asleep or acting the cunt. Should have changed camera angles.


You need to let this go man. The Billie Barry kids havenā€™t been on it in years and youā€™ve a couple of posts about it.


Ah it was funny - my lad was breaking his hole laughing at him

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Thatā€™s rough mateā€¦ What a trooper tho.


Ah it was grand. Could have been a lot worse.
I thought they might drop in a beat.


Kellieā€™s advice to tell Tony to fuck off there!

Theres something infectious about her positivity every time she speaks.


Itā€™s kind of an outdated thing to give out about. Back in the day they seemed kind of spoilt brat types. Now the majority of kids seem to be in some type of dance class or the likes.

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Fit kids is a great concept

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Tubs makes it all about himself. Self centred prick

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Billy coming

Billy Barry?

Iā€™d actually take the Billie Barry kids over tubridy singing this shit

Yup I reckon

They should sack Tubs off and give the gig to Kellie from now on, she had a better manner and more regard for the kids there in 5 minutes than he manages in the entire show. He treats them like props, hooks for his smarmy jokes.

Fucksake, this shit now, his ego is relentless, serious Willy Wonka complex.


Was that the Limerick young fella with the podcast?

absolutely as is the dance, hip hop stuff they do in school on that GoNoodle thingā€¦Great for expression and self confidenceā€¦

the Billie Barry kidsā€¦that sounds very Kenneth Egan , Brian kerr , up de flats type of shitā€¦were they not closed down or something?

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She has a lovely way about her Kellie Harrington. A top top lady.


johngosullivan on Twitter: ā€œTake a night off GAA Gemma.ā€ / Twitter

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ah its done as part of school now thoā€¦at least in our place anywayā€¦i think its brilliant

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