Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

He must read tfk

I actually think Tubridy is playing a stormer.
First 20 mins he waffled on allright but has been great with the kids


I agree. Our kids thought he was hilarious. I still think heā€™s a cunt but heā€™s very good with the kids


Iā€™d agree with that. The Lego kid put it back on track though


100% Mac
ah look we are all poisoned from him by this covid nonsense but for instance my wife hasnā€™t a clue who he is and thinks heā€™s great

Happy Christmas BTW , hope ye are all good


Buff I think is comparing himself to the hype man :joy::joy:and the Dj brother is like the brother who came back from oz and got everything :joy::joy:


Yeah but my point is most kids have the opportunity to be in a club like that if they want. Not really exclusive.

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Thanks, we are very lucky with all his outcomes, I made a promise on a day his medical team thought he was on the way out , my beautiful and kind wife would have been devastated by his loss and didnā€™t know how bad things were - I asked God to save him and in return I promised to devote my life to his care irrespective of the possible complexities.
Our little man pulled through and I am a very grateful Dad. He has closed out his medical issues step by step over the last 3 years and his neurologist says the stroke has incredibly had an indiscernible impact on his motor skills. Running around now as opposed to the wheelchair/crutches/leg drag etc we were briefed and braced for. I owe a lot of people for their support, kind words and professional help , I try to repay that kindness in small amounts every day.
I am grateful (and lucky)


Top top manā¤ļø


100% agreed
the Eastern Europeans and Afrikans are big into itā€¦there are a few Agniewskwa and Gavite types here who run Zumba classes have these hip hop type things on after school and they seem a huge hit with the kids

Rte have done hard on for the US Democrats

thatā€™s a fine post
Happy Christmas sir

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Fair play pal.

I was in school with a lad who had a stroke at 5 whoā€™s a fit, happy and healthy 47 year old now with his own family.

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Fair fucks. Puts a fair few problems into perspective. Canā€™t imagine what it must have been like. Things like that can change your entire perspective on life in general.

Hopefully thatā€™s a story youā€™ll be getting to tell on his wedding day or some big occasion like that :+1:

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Look at that winner there, what a sweetheart
All the best to her


Youā€™d have to say that Ryan has knocked it out of the park again, heā€™s brilliant at this.
The kids love him, heā€™s got a great way about him with them.

Best toy show in years, has been brilliant

Ed Sheeran is a fair coup. Heā€™s as big a star as theyā€™ve had on it.


Yeah. No Billie Barry kids

If shearan draws a wheelchairā€¦

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