Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

In spades.

Talking about Ferraro Rocher nowšŸ˜‚ TFK ahead of the trend as always.


The swimmer one is some mare.

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Ah stop, what was said?

Tubridy called them ā€œBalls of dog shite wrapped in tinfoilā€


Shur they never put down a day doing manual labour

Jesus Christ motor neurone disease is awful.

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I watched Charlie there for about 30 seconds and had to turn it off. A pure cunt of a disease. Poor fella


Christ but this is harrowing stuff. God be gentle to the poor man.


Poor old Charlie heā€™s raging against the dying of the light

Next week Tubs will have a case of Corona*. And thereā€™ll be one for everybody in the audience.

*Omicron flavour

Watched a 2 min clip of Charlie Bird just there. Tough watch. My Mam had the same type of MND. Itā€™s weird, you can hear it in his voice. Think it was a few months ago before he got his diagnosis and he gave an interview and said something was wrong but that it wasnā€™t MND. Was chatting to the brother after it, he heard the same interview, and we both agreed that weā€™d be surprised if he didnā€™t have it.
Tough road ahead of him and his wife and daughters. I believe thereā€™s been advances but it depends on a lot of things, age, health, mindset. Rob Burrows has the same type and heā€™s doing quite well to keep going as long as he is (read his book, itā€™s excellent).
I hope to God Charlie is in a fit state to climb Croagh Patrick, it will be some achievement.


The SVP cap will be out this evening looking for money.

Arenā€™t they a good cause?

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I never said they werenā€™t. I merely letting lads know as it drives some lads demented when Tubs has the paw out looking for money for charity.

They can ask @RaymondCrotty or the polish kid for their cutā€¦

Are you demented?

Iā€™m zen

Brendan Oā€™Carroll and Pat Shortt on tonight. A rare Christmas treat to see them on the Late Late.

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