Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Hq ha ha ha he he he ha ha ha he he he ha ha ha he he he, did I ever ha ha ha he he he ha ha ha he he he tell you about ha ha ha he he he


Brendan does an awful amount of work for charity

Heā€™s a successful Irish man

TFK hates him :rage:

What makes you think that?

I think he has done great and donā€™t begrudge him his success .

I think his comedy is shite though

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Same. Met him in George hotel in Limerick when I was about 18. Nice man.

But sophisticated fart jokes his entire schtick.

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Do you like his comedy?

I donā€™t mind him. Iā€™d watch the Christmas show like. Harmless enough.

There are definitely much worse Irish comedians. Most of those observational panel show type people are atrocious.

Oā€™Carroll and Pat Short at least have a bit of presence about them and had mainstream success at one time.

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ocarroll has put in the hard yards and i owuldnt begrudge him the bit of success he has. i remember when i was a youngfella, hed be loading up the van himself after doing a gig in the sands in courtown.

but he is as funny as a kick in the nuts


I donā€™t find Oā€™Carroll funny but have respect for what heā€™s done. Similar to Shortt who hasnā€™t been funny since Dā€™Unbelievables quickly ran out of material. Both come across as genuine lads and I wouldnā€™t begrudge them any success they have.

Compare them to the likes of Ed Byrne, Jason Byrne or Neil Delamare who are the definition of lads who are stealing a living. Calling them comedians is an absolute insult to lads who are actually funny.


Like all these lads, I find the older I get the less comical I find them. I went to see Oā€™Carroll years ago in me late teens. Thought he was hilarious at the time. Looking back on it now all it was, was a couple of hours of "fucking thisā€™ and ā€œbollix thatā€ I was at the comedy club a few years ago with herself. I canā€™t remember the names of the five or six that performed that night but they were way more humorous and the humor was also way more subtle. Like everything, your tastes changes as you get older


Mrs Browns boys is very funny

The truth is that most comedians are funny when you see them live, Iā€™ve laughed my head at jokes that would make me switch the channel normally, thatā€™s the way of these things

Yeah maybe. But I certainly wouldnā€™t pay money to go see Oā€™Carroll again .

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I caught a bit of Michael McIntyre on TV recently, I suppose heā€™s a big deal as he was playing an enormous venue

He was very very funny, I only saw about 15 minutes, he was on about the orthotics in his shoes,

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Yeah I like him.

Kevin Bridges is hilarious.


Comedians are like a box of ferraro rocher


Donā€™t go there