Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

His word count to likes received ratio must be fucking brutal

A micra aggression is a fella getting thick driving his motherā€™s car


is there anything that goes wrong in the world that they canā€™t try and make me feel shit for and hold me accountable for as a white, relatively OK to do man?


The day men will be truly liberated will be the day when they feel confident enough to choose to drive a Micra, and freely tell other men about it.

No, you are responsible for slavery and the holocaust because you are white.


What about a Fiesta?

Your the fuckin moaniest Farney man I ever knew.Buck yourself up man.

High Noon reaching its climax here on TG4


Iā€™ve driven both. I had an Opel Corsa too one time

Had a Punto at one stage. Grand little car.

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Smaller cars are ideal for my part of the world.

Back in the day the top prize for winning Know Your Sport was an Opel Corsa.

Looking back on it now, offering an Opel Corsa as the top prize for a sports quiz full of men was a quietly subversive act.

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Mine too.

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Talking to the missus about this. She was saying that sheā€™d always be nervous driving in home and going from the car to the house at night. Nothing to do with men, but just like this all her life. Difference for us is that we have a chance of fighting off some cunt, where they donā€™t, so it doesnā€™t even occur to us. But this wankology of ā€˜men need to do betterā€™ is absolutely fucking pointless. Anyone capable of asaulting a woman isnā€™t going to be swayed by a conversation. More guards and stricter sentences is a start.


people need to do better - thereā€™s women in the justice system tooā€¦ do they not want accountability? Harsher penalties for sex offenders is a must. Women will defend a sex offender as a lawyer too. Why do they feel the need to make white males feel like shit. How many lads who are already be depressed be affected by this?



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Had a couple of them

ā€œmen need to step up to the plateā€

Itā€™s a voluntary choice on your part to ā€œfeel like shitā€ because women are unapologetic in their correct views about male on female violence and the role misogynistic culture plays in that.