Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Do you think all rapists started off as wolf whistlers?

Not everybody can wolf whistle, so no.

Most of them probably started off as dog whistlers though.

No back to pre 2019 lives and saying philly nolans spreadsheets were right. This man is a fucking liar

I donā€™t feel like shit, because Iā€™m a confident white male. Do you? Have you raped someone?


So why are you complaining about feeling like shit? That doesnā€™t indicate confidence. Nothing wrong with not being confident, we canā€™t all be @caoimhaoin.

Iā€™ve e-raped a lot of posters here but I donā€™t think that counts as actual rape.

You also stalked a woman over to Australia. Iā€™m sure she was delighted to see you.

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How exactly did I stalk her?

I donā€™t fell like shit, that doesnā€™t mean they arenā€™t trying to make me feel like shit. You arenā€™t very clever. Iā€™ll go back to ignoring you now

What culture would you say is the worst in terms of misogyny?

You were complaining about feeling like shit.

Your general tone definitely sounds like somebody who constantly is feeling like shit.

Youā€™re looking for a safe space. I thought you were against that sort of thing?

Rural Galway would be right up there.

Great interview from our Taoiseach here.


Iā€™m not watching but I doubt it


Heā€™s our best Taoiseach since Jack Lynch.

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You missed out

where pal?

Any chance youā€™d fuck off back to Dublin?


Hard to argue with that

Right there, a chara.

Like a bunch of Moby Dicks