Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

What do RTÉ think their remit is? In an age where people have switched off TV in the traditional since and now subscribe in huge numbers to Disney, Amazon and Netflix why do they think they are justified in asking the Irish government to introduce a blanket broadcasting charge on every household or enforce a levy on these streaming services to produce content for RTÉ? Is this form of tax replicated in any other country. RTÉ have not moved with the times and it is interesting that the clamour for reform and evasion of TV licence fee becomes all the louder when the govt Covid advertising winds down and the commercial income dries up. They were wall to wall with Covid for 2 years and now they are like the emperor with no clothes.


Defund the RTE.


Pour it into tg4 who at least seem capable of programming with a bit of substance and depth


As stayed here many times RTE needs to look inwards as to what is their purpose. Some ‘talent’ is an ridiculous money. But questions have to be asked as to why they still purchase the rights to re runs of shows that are on subscriptions already. Especially series that have long finished and have had long runs on rte when new. Stop buying this crap and invest in small irish shows and cut some of the top wages, a good start would be look at the COTY treads

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A COTY program is actually what RTE need. Phones, emails, printers… They’d all be hopping. It might very woke times we live in but Ireland is built on begrudgery and bitterness. A cunt-off would be box office viewing with people screaming blue murder at television sets. I reckon the weekly release of anger would reduce a lot of violent crime.


I’ve often thought this. It would replace the Late Late Toy Show as the country’s most beloved Christmas tradition.


Rescheduled by popular demand from last week

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Just stop watching ye flutes….

I don’t watch you prick.

Yes you do, you cunt.

Fair play to Tubbers, did all in his powers to land the big fish.

They’re gas lads alright.

Pat Kenny was chatting to some cunt or other who has worked for RTÉ about the situation yesterday.
His guest believed that the Licence Fee being capped during previous recession was okay but it hasn’t gone up since which he felt unjust.

He also slipped in that the BBC UK tv licence was bigger at ÂŁ190 or so. He said that although at the outset of the piece it was stated that Uk government were looking at scrapping the charge altogether later in this current decade.

I thought lads were saying RTÉ were coining it at the moment too with Covid advertising revenue?

Tommy Tiernan must be raging

In fairness she could have gone on Graham Norton and got the big bucks.

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It may be bigger and the BBC get more revenue due to population etc but the quality of service and shows that the BBC produce is miles better than 99% of the crap RTE throw out. Dont get me wrong RTE do a lot of stuff good too but a review is needed.

Exactly what? give us a list of your top 5 and you cannot include the Angelus

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Yes they were coining it alright. For the years 2017 - 2019 they recorded significant losses in those years but in 2020 they recorded a €5m profit. A lot of their content for the last 2 years has been current affairs so I think there is a lot of angst there that when this funding is pulled they will find it hard to replace it. Some execs in RTE believe government should be doing more for RTE in terms of funding because of how it relayed government messaging during Covid. Coveneys brother is top dog in there so maybe he might do them a turn. I’m not sure on what grounds they could be looking for an increase in licence fee though especially if New Years programming is an example of what they produce. Due to restrictions they probably had a larger audience than they would ordinarily have for NY and there you had Una Healy talking to Brendan Courtney about a diversity masters he was undertaking, queue the countdown 10, 9…1 and Una saying to bang pots and pans back home and make a racket. There was some depressing funeral music from Mick Flannery thrown in somewhere as well. Maybe it was just me but I thought they could have made a better effort. They seem to want everything handed to them as seen with GAA coverage.


That was beyond bad tbf.

In fairness to Una she was a very late replacement for The Two Johnnies but I assume the guests would have been the same.

Regardless I’d be a Jools Holland man on New Years Eve myself

What happened the Two Johnnies?

They burst