Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel


The “ *Covid *”

RTE 2018: 13million loss
RTE 2019: 7.2 million loss
RTE 2020: 8 million surplus

its also a bit fucking rich for dee forbes to complain about people dodging the licence fee when RTE is still in negotiations with revenue about how much they owe for the little contractors swizz, but will probably be in excess of 7 figures


also, dont forget that RTE just offloaded the Orchestra to the NCH balance sheet too - that saves RTE €8 million per year and the taxpayer is picking it up

As part of Budget 2022, an amount of €8m was provided to enable the transfer of the National Symphony Orchestra and Choirs to the National Concert Hall to take place. This largely equates to the estimated running costs of the NSO.

That would be essential viewing. The Buff on the ground interviewing locals to get a feel for their levels of optimism ahead of Sunday’s big game.

Probably his greatest video of all time was when he was asking people on the streets of Tralee questions about hurling and some female brought him back to the house for tae. Buff readying himself to step in as man of the house.


The mood could be very sombre tonight

Because of meatloaf?

No because of Kathryn Thomas

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The end of the doom porn

:smiley:… Headshot

Hopefully Kathryn will be given the opportunity to explain that Operation Transformation isn’t about fat shaming after all. It’s really about better life choices.

Fat people are great really

Salt of the earth.

This fucking cunt now again

What a speech.

Jesus. He’s some prick.


Lisa Fallon is the real deal, didn’t relaise she was on later. Hope Tubs doesn’t fuck it up

A Womans Heart is possibly the most pivotal album in Irish recording history


This song is an awful dirge .


They made a right fuck of it, more suited to last weeks mood, tonight we just want party choons

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