Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

What sort of freak watches the LLS?
Itā€™s an anachronism, baffling the hold it has on TFK, itā€™s for old ladies surely, who in their right mind like, a Friday night at half 9 :man_shrugging:,


Heā€™s a serious operator. Calls it as it is and Is always straight to the point.

Yes and a solid Western on TG4 at the same time every Friday.


Loads of people do for some reason. I think itā€™s time they cut it, itā€™s done.

How could it be done if loads of people watch it?

Youā€™re very intolerant.

Iā€™m not asking for it to be cut. I think it should be cut. Do personal opinions have to be in line with a majority in all instances? Thatā€™s a very undemocratic line of thinking.

Why should it be cut when itā€™s by far the most popular programme in Ireland?

You think it should be cut because you donā€™t like it.

Your hypocrisy is very funny.

Tommy Tiernan show has trumped it figure wise a number of times more recentlyā€¦it will be interesting to see if this trend continues.

I pay my rte license fee and Iā€™m therefore free to have an opinion on how I think it should be spent, as are others. Itā€™s not like Iā€™m screaming about a free podcast that I donā€™t listen to.

Why I think it should be cut is almost self explanatory. It predominately has RTE employees on as guests, and many of these are on repeatedly annually or sometimes in the same season. There seems to be very little engagement in social issues or anything of substance unless itā€™s some sort of tragedy.
I also think Tubridy is very poor at what he does. Heā€™s a terrible interviewer and RTE pay him obscene money to do so.

The spike in Tiernans numbers showā€™s thereā€™s demand for more substance and soft TV like the late late can still be accommodated but on a much cheaper budget.

This is a personal opinion and Iā€™ve not insisted/demanded/cried that it should be cut or Iā€™ll be keeping my fee if itā€™s not. That would be an attempt at censorship. Iā€™m happy for people who enjoy it to continue watching and enjoying it, it doesnā€™t in any way mean that I canā€™t hold an alternative opinion.

Iā€™m glad you are getting enjoyment from my opion. I wish (nearly) everyone joy.


You wonā€™t be happy til you have 24 hour US right-wing echo chamber content




Iā€™d say McSavage has well and truly cut ties with RTƉ when heā€™s posting thatšŸ˜‚

Isnā€™t he Tubbersā€™s cousin?

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He is yes. First Cousins too Iā€™m fairly sure.

This is the most painfully annoying thing about the Late Late Show

Itā€™ll give him more time to harass women on the street.


McSavage or Tubridy?

Itā€™s not the Graham Norton show anyway

And the saddest thing about this is tubridy earns more a year than the five nurses combined.

Heā€™s some cunt.