Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

It seems the LLS last night has really united the country, friend and foe, left wingers and right wingers, anti vaxxers and pro vaxxers, partitionist free staters and Republicans. What an elaborate ruse from RTE to heal the divides of the last 2 years.


Iā€™ve just seen this shit. It would nearly drive you to get out of it on Crystal Meth

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@Barname you missed this one in your freeze frame analysis.

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Donā€™t ever be fooled by false godsā€¦


Thatā€™s very disappointing.

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His heart isnā€™t in it tbf.

Out of curiosity how much does it cost to get a ticket?

Free as far as I know. Probably profiled in application form.

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No apology?

Should never have doubted you.

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Goals: TFK group outing to the LLS

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@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy hated Tubridy and the free state bastards.

Do the right thing @Rocko

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Iā€™m busy that night.

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A great piece.


ā€˜The objective, always, and every time, is not to inform, but to try to align the national mood with the mood of the establishment classā€™

Big John skewers Tub (not that hard in fairness)

Arse has pure establishment views, itā€™s just theyā€™re the views of the establishment of 140 years ago.

He raises plenty of valid points. The Late Late is Rteā€™s flagship programmeā€¦ Tubridy isnā€™t good as its host. The show isnā€™t good as a chat show. We live in very different times to when gaybo ran the ship but at least it had some kind of identity then, itā€™s rudderless presently.


On the ball.

I never heard of this John McGurk lad, he seems to be on the ball

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