Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

The blonde cousin would bring a tear to a glass eye… Hubba hubba :eyes:

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Agreed rating.


Some figure on her tbf

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Nothing surpasses Tubs talking Sport to an inanimate carbon rod like Steo.

jaysus Stevie is hammered

Kenny is a dolt

A messy drunk

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Reilly looking suitably exasperated as Callan trots out his oul’ schtick. Cringeworthy stuff.


Jaysus I sing this one lovely

This dude is good

Kenny is bananas here

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Turn on TG4 lads.

Patsy Watchorn in his pomp.

Callan is slipping into something comfortable. I presume that’s Kenny

Stephen Kenny was a very tough listen, blathering on like an eejit. I enjoy your man Callan’s act.

Two ladies didn’t look impressed in background

Tonight’s guests include Mick McCarthy, Andrew Porter, Conor of Conor’s sketches fame and a bit of ceol from a band called, amazingly, Ceol something or other :wink:.
Riveting I’m sure you’ll all agree. I wonder will Mick explain how Robbie is still trousering €250k pa from the Irish exchequer via the FAI. Was a Dáil question about it the other day actually.

Mick :rofl:

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A member of the cast of Derry Girls, Mary McAleese, Luke O’Neill and Declan Nerney.

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Third appearance since January?

Late announcing the line up this week as well. I’d say they had a bit of owl bother getting a few guests together

The day that’s in it and considering the demographic of their audience I don’t understand why they don’t have a religious guest

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