Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Fr Brian Darcy be the perfect fit for it

Totally, there are other priests in the country than Fr. D’Arcy who are great talkers with a unique slant but we won’t hear from them. Many of them pushed into the fuckin thing but they accept their lot gladly and with good grace. An unwatchable programme, same as most of what is on RTE.

I heard the Lidl doc was decent though.

In fairness Gaybo had great time for Fr Michael Cleary and Bishop Eamonn Casey.


He wasn’t half as nice to their offspring

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This is terrible shit. While a bit of a fan of the oul’ country music Tubridy must have raided some nursing home where he found Gloria who was mildly popular almost 2 generations ago. Buckley with the artificial grin and Mizzell with the false bonhomie would rot the hole off a badger. Mercifully we were spared a raft of other has- beens, the likes of Philomena Begley or Mick fuckin’ Flavin.

Here’s Prof. Luke O’Neill to lift the spirits

Out. Jameson time.


Is Tubs gonna be cancelled for asking a woman her age?



Extremely odd outrage over this

This is quite funny, the permanantly outraged can’t figure out where to direct their ire :smiley:

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Coming next week - Irelands favourite comedienne

This will be epic.


Assume he was asking about age as DerryGirls is about school kids

Fucking outrageous carry on.

Is that illegal? Emergency powers are gone weeks

Saw an Interesting thread on twitter about whether tubridy is a racist a while back also I must dig it out.

If only ryan had a team of researchers who cpuldve easily seen on wiki thats shes 30 or if ryan had prepped himself for the interviews

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She has a gig on the BBC Sounds app and has the hint of an English accent.

Jeez that could dent her popularity around here

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It’s not on her wiki so he had to ask her.

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I thought it was a grand question. Happens in a lot of shows where you’re playing high school kids. Ian Ziering was 30 playing an 18 year old in 90210 and it would be a common enough joke to make.