Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Fucking hell, he’s actually on here now!


Never seen Michael D speak so badly. Barely comprehensible.

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Jeez Jane Mangan spoke v well there answering that question didn’t forget the other tragedies


Jane is a credit to this country
Tubs is a fucking idiot


This is terrible on so many levels.

My good dining pal George

Julia Roberts has been relegated to the ‘I’d say in her day’ thread.

Russell Crowe trolling the shit out of Tubs here.

Crowe has avoided the worst of the food poverty epidemic thus far from what I can see.

An awful man for pints.

Loves Charlie St Georges

A cookie shur

Tequila and orange juice.

Not exactly couch gripping tonight either. Freagra - serious drinking. :pint:

Mel C, Sonia O’Sullivan, Ciara Mageean, some shit band courtesy of Louis Walsh are amongst the rivetting guest line-up tonight. Buckle up….:roll_eyes:

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I’m really looking forward to it now.

Tommy Gorman is an alright sort.

He is not.

Elaborate on that.

He kept the free state line as a correspondent for RTE for nearly 40 years.

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