Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Have Ciara and Sonia been on yet? I fell asleep on the couch for the last 40 mins :sweat_smile:

All I know about him is he comes across always as a man with a wealth of knowledge about current affairs and has a great passion and diligence for the profession of journalism, which is an important enough profession in my eyes. He always conveyed the news stories in a professional way, easy for people to digest and with a humble air.


Iā€™d say youā€™ve answered your own question*

  • i havenā€™t been watching

I could have listened to Tommy Gorman all night on the late late show heā€™ll probably be the best guest they have on it this season. Some great yarns told.

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Sonia is the most beautiful woman this country has ever produced

Sonia is looking every day of her 52 years.

Brady struggling here alas. Great songwriter in his pomp. The olā€™ head stuck up hole syndrome got to him in the end as it tends to do

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@Big_Dan_Campbell wonā€™t take this evisceration of Brady too well. Thereā€™ll be a Javelin missile pointed at you tomorrow sometime.

I know of lads who knew Brady well back in the day. He wasnā€™t himself there. Desperate namechecking, very insecure. Sad to see to be honest. Tubs lapping it up no help

Sonia is the definition of jolie laide.

His rider for a theatre included fresh artisan cheeses which had been transported without touching plasticā€¦

Just watching the replay of Ciara and Sonia here. Ciara is an absolute national treasure. She chews up and spits out Tubs question on Northern Ireland like sheā€™s on her second lap of a national record.

What a night Tubbers has in store for us tomorrow night! The queen of Irish comedy, Joanne McNally, Atlantic Ocean hero, Damian Browne, Charlie Bird and Professor Luke Oā€™Neill. Plus the Coronas.

Wonder Years Reaction GIF

Jesus, The Coronas are milking this small market for all its worth. Much like the mother did.

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Danny Oā€™Reilly was on Newstalk last evening promoting the Coronas new album, I can reliably inform the forum that it sounds exactly like all their previous material i.e. woeful generic pop song scutter

They peaked with Heroes or Ghosts.

The usual suspects, the outrage junkies, will be going out of their way to watch Brownie tonight. Weā€™ll have incoming fire c.10pm.


I just clicked over by chance and he was on. Seems an alright sort in fairness.

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Damoā€™s the soundest.