Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel


Did he get the boot from classic hits? He used to be on with FOTF Colm of Colm and Jim, Jim fame.

Not sure - He is on Nova now anyway.

Classic Hits and Nova are owned by the same crowd afaik and Gallagher and McCabe did a straight swap with Hayes and Kennedy a few months back.

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Has Jim Jim disappeared from our airwaves?

Yep. He overwhacked the bantz one day and a listener had a stroke.


Exceptional spelling there.

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Poor old PJ Gallagher had an awful time of it

I see Bono and Tay Tay are guests of Graham Norton next week. No doubt the Late Late will have a stellar alternative.

Oliver Callan and Dickie Rock

Pat Shortt and his young one

Actually, more likely Jason Byrne and Christy Dignam


Kellie Harrington, Hugh Bonneville, Noel FitzPatrick, Daniel O’Donnell.


? Who

See above.

Was Hugh not cancelled a few years back?

Great to see Daniel on again. An alright sort.

Always great to have a catch up with Daniel.

I hope he brings Majella along.

I’d say he will.