Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

YEEEEEEHOOOOOOWW :cowboy_hat_face:

Young roaster.

This fella isn’t much of a singer but hes got moxy

Did RTÉ only have size 10 boots for the poor youngster

That fella can move

The accent, my ears.


Mary Byrnes young wan there


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It’s a dark fucking day when Brendan O Carroll can’t find time to appear on the Late Late Toy Show

They’ll all be scattered across the world in a few years…

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Big set up going on here you’d feel

Cmon down Katie

Band should be playing graffiti on the wall for the craic


Hell of a prize coming up here

Tubbers got rejuvenated during the last break for the home stretch.

Can’t see, can’t be

Ah this is lovely to be fair

Katie is a good sort

Was it any good? Didn’t bother with it… Might watch the replay Sundi.

It went down very well here. She stayed til the end

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I watched it all and didn’t think it was great.

Very rushed and a cheap kind of show.

Not many decent toys either.