Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

How much?

Imelda will be on with a pome later.

We’re nothing without art gents.

She has murdered Fairytale of New York instead.

I thought Glen was being cancelled at one stage but he’s ridden out the storm it seems.

Imelda replaced faggot with crackhead. Is that not insulting to crackheads?


Fucking twee shite

Jesus that was shocking. Why was she shouting?

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Caterwauling. They’re the musical equivalent
of gemma o’doherty and John waters

Michael D Higgins and Nell McCafferty

The musical!

This is amazing from the Bocelli’s

I’d say Imelda and Glen are glad they were up first.


Tubs is terrible

That was an emotional segment about the little boy who nearly choked to death. One of my biggest fears.

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I’m on the +1 here lads

Mrs DB said there were not so nice rumours about Hansard. I know women are gossips but not a patch on TFK. What’s the craic there ?

Anyway i recall him telling Tubs last year about how his oul lad was a semi pro boxer.

He just mentioned it again and tubs goes “I didnt know that” :laughing:

Oh Christ they’ve butchered FONY and i mean BUTCHERED

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The girl he had the Oscar song with was his girlfriend. And he had known her from when she was 12 or 13 and he was in his 30s